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Village solutions for global change
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Slide 3: 2023 Impact Reports
How your donations create impact around the world
Slide 3: 2023 Impact Reports
Slide 4: 2023 Winter Appeal
Give the Gift of Clean Water and Energy this Holiday Season
Slide 4: 2023 Winter Appeal
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Green Empowerment works with in-country partner organizations
to build clean water and renewable energy infrastructure
with Indigenous and rural communities across the globe.


2 Billion people lack safely managed drinking water

759 Million People do not have access to electricity

All of us face impending threats from the climate crisis

Why Energy and water

We envision an equitable and sustainable world where everyone has clean water, renewable energy, and a healthy environment in which to grow and thrive. These foundational resources bring immediate health benefits, save families (especially women and children) countless hours of time previously spent on menial tasks such as hauling water, and provide a springboard for economic opportunity.

Many of the Indigenous and rural communities that we work with are located in the most biodiverse regions on the planet. They are both highly vulnerable to and crucial partners in combating climate change. By partnering with locals, we can get ahead of further climate change consequences.

Learn more:   Water Projects   Energy Projects


Authentic partnership is the heart of our work. We collaborate with in-country organizations who know the local culture, speak the local language, and have a long term commitment to the region.

We believe that only through working with local leaders and changemakers can real lasting change occur.


Change the world with us,
one village at a time.

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