WaSH Resources

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Project Design | Project Checklist | Guidelines | Training

Project Design

  • Manual of Drinking Water Quality Standards: Green Empowerment Partners Guide to Metrics, Measurement, and Mitigation

    This document provides information on the basic water system components, Green Empowerment water quality parameters, and ongoing water quality testing and maintenance.

Project Checklist

  • Water systems inventory lists

    Typically water systems need certain material. This document is a suggestive list of equipment that is essential to build small community water systems.

  • Small community gravity fed water systems - project management checklist

    This check list serves as project management and control checklist as part of M&E for development of a gravity fed water system

  • Small community ground water (well) systems - project management checklist

    This check list serves as project management and control checklist as part of M&E for development of a ground (well) water system.

  • Underground water - water system design checklist

    This checklist provides with a form to document technical specifications and final installation of gravity fed water systems.

  • Gravity fed distribution systems - water design checklist

    This checklist provides with a form to document technical specifications and final installation of gravity fed water systems.

  • Ram pumps - water system design checklist

    This checklist provides with a form to document technical specifications and final installation of ram pump water distribution systems.


  • Monitoring water quality in chlorination systems - operator guidelines

    This document presents the guideline values for monitoring performance of water chlorination systems, as well as basic maintenance instructions for such systems.

  • Monitoring water quality in slow sand filtration systems - operator guidelines

    This document presents the guideline values for monitoring performance of slow sand filtration systems, as well as basic maintenance instructions for such systems.

  • Monitoring water quality in bio sand filtration systems - operator guidelines

    This document presents the guideline values for monitoring performance of bio sand filtration systems, as well as basic maintenance instructions for such systems.


  • Water storage tank disinfection and maintenance - illustrative manual

    This illustrative manual provides with the information required for regular water storage tank cleaning and disinfection process.

  • Personal, family and community hygiene - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on personal, family and community hygiene practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Hand washing - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on handwashing practices.

    Presentation (PPT)  | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Household water storage and treatment - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on household water treatment and storage practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Dental hygiene - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on dental hygiene practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Latrine use and maintenance - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on latrine use and maintenance best practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Trash management - training material

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on best trash management practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)

  • Training material for water system disinfection

    This file includes both presentation slides and trainer guide for organizing community workshops on water distribution system disinfection practices.

    Presentation (PPT) | Training Guide (PDF) | Zip (all files)