Ambassador Program

A diverse network of young professionals helping to spread the word about Green Empowerment

What is the Ambassador Program?

Green Empowerment's Ambassadors are a network of young professionals who share a passion for Green Empowerment’s work and volunteer to support our programs. This diverse group works with our staff individually and in groups to bolster Green Empowerment’s visibility. Anyone with a passion for our work and a commitment to helping us spread the word can be an Ambassador.

The program has three key components:

Inside view of Green Empowerment Programs

Ambassadors are invited to quarterly meetings with the Board of Directors, Technical Advisory Members, and staff to hear project updates directly from program staff.

Opportunities to Actively Increase Green Empowerment's Visibility

We equip our Ambassadors with the tools, materials, and opportunities to advocate for Green Empowerment's mission across their personal and professional networks.

Volunteer Database

We plan to start an Ambassador volunteer database, where Ambassadors can share their interests and skills. Volunteers in the Portland area will be invited to be part of in-person donor outreach efforts and annual events. In addition, Green Empowerment staff will reach out when a project/task arises that fits the volunteer's skills.

Interested in Becoming an Ambassador?


We are actively recruiting!


Meet Our Current Members:

Alexandra is passionate about ensuring access to reliable and affordable electricity for residents, businesses, and social infrastructure in low-resourced areas of the world.
As nLine’s Global Energy Projects Manager, she helps lead planning and implementation of electricity monitoring projects in sub-Saharan Africa. Alexandra holds a Master of Development Practice (MDP) from UC Berkeley and a BA in Economics and International Studies from UW-Madison.
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Brian Zhou is a finance professional in New York with a focus on infrastructure and renewables.
He is a graduate of Northwestern University where he studied economics, data science, and sustainability.
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Grace is an Associate on the Infrastructure and Climate team at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR).
While she was at Yale, she founded Females for Finance, an organization dedicated to increasing financial literacy in high school girls.
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Hans Vargas is a Bolivian civil engineer, specializing in water and sanitation who is experienced in WaSH (Water & Sanitation) practice.
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Heather (she/her) is an energy planner in Washington state with a background in policy, economics, and journalism.
She lived and worked for two years in Nicaragua, has a dog named Jason Momoa, and is known to her friends as “Greta Thunberg plus Shakira.”
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Laura Vicini is an Italian Water Management Engineer with field experience in Peru passionate about her work and focused on water access and social justice.
She has a dual Master’s degree program with Bologna & Liège Universities in the international curriculum of Environmental Engineering Earth Resources Engineering.
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Lilly is an Associate at Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), a private equity firm.
Previously, she worked in the Global Power, Utilities, and Renewables group at Morgan Stanley. She holds a B.A. in Economics from Harvard University.
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Nora is an Associate at Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), a private equity firm.
Previously, she worked in the Global Power, Utilities, and Renewables group at Morgan Stanley. She holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics–Economics from Brown University, where she graduated in May 2022.
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Quintin Ricci is a passionate and purpose oriented marketing professional for an established construction software firm.
He completed his masters in business administration at the University of Lynchburg. Prior to that he studied marketing at the University of Mary Washington. He currently lives in Portland, OR.
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